5. Free Lunch 

Free Lunch is an on going project created by Studio Pets Allowed duo Stephanie Hernandez and Tiana Szeto. The Free Lunch crew showcases work annually at the Otis MFA Book Fair, hosted by the Otis College MFA Graphic Design program and Actual Source. This year I was selected to be part of the new roster. I chose to show case my new body of illustration work.

 Good Loser (zine) — is 5.5 x 8.5 inch zine featuring a handmade loop stitch bind. The zine features a new series of illustrative work; a mixture of hand drawn typography and cartoons. The storyline explores the motorsport world and the struggles of its main character to retain fame.

The Slap (bottle opener) — has a 86 x 54mm dimension and a slim high grade stainless steel finish. It features art work by Aaron Gonzalez and myself in collaboration with Free Lünch.

